Monday, September 5, 2016

366 Days at the Drive-In: Day 341

The Date: September 5

The Movie: Stand by Me (1986)

What Is It?: One of the very best Stephen King adaptations doesn’t have a single vampire, axe-wielding dad, or telekinetic teen. It does, however, have four of the finest child actor performances on film as Will Wheaton, River Phoenix, Jerry O’Connell, and Corey Feldman play very dissimilar buddies who journey into the woods to see a dead schoolmate before Labor Day arrives and the new school year splits them apart. Funny without really being a comedy, moving without ever getting sappy, and sporting as many quotable lines as its classic fifties pop tunes, Stand By Me still stands up beautifully today... and the pie-eating contest that morphs into a barfing contest is still a shockingly wild little digression.

Why Today?: Today is Labor Day.
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