In a confusing, modern world in which everyone wanders
around aimlessly in their virtual reality helmets while playing Pokemon pogs on
their telephones and listening to auto-tuned teenagers sing about their
vaginas, Psychobabble offers Halloween as an oasis of retro sensibilities. Not
politically retro. That would be gross. I just mean Halloweenally retro. Take off the
helmet. Put down the phone. Turn off that singer who is still a teenager and
consider listening to one who was a teenager fifty years ago (may I suggest
The Crystals’ and their “Frankenstein Twist”?). It’s time to buckle down and
allow the waves of nostalgia in.
There are few things more old-fashioned than the notion that
the vale between the natural world and the spirit world will lift up and a host
of ghosts will sneak under it and start partying on our turf every October 31st..
That’s some silly shit. So it would be highly inappropriate to celebrate such
an old-fashioned holiday in a new-fashioned way. Here are Psychobabble’s ten
tips for recreating the perfect retro Halloween experience.
1. Hang Beistly
Halloween is not an icy pool. You don’t just leap into it on
October 31st and leap right back out again. It is a warm bath. You
sink into it slowly and lounge, preferably for an entire month. Part of
that involves decorating your home. Many people spend all of their energy
hanging ghouls and skeletons all over the outside of their homes, which is all
fine and good for showing your neighbors how festive you are, but you should
never neglect the inside either, since you probably spend more time indoors
than out on the lawn. Whether you’re decorating inside or out, you cannot have
a truly retro Halloween without some Beistle decorations. You know them.
They’re those grinning cats and jack-o-lanterns, wrinkly witches, and dancing
skeletons rendered in shades of orange, black, yellow, and green on die-cut
cardboard. These designs have been in use since the Beistle Company began in
1900 and were particularly ubiquitous in the seventies and early eighties. Few
visuals will instantly conjure those old-timey Halloween feelings than Beistle
decorations, though you are also welcome to hang up some of those toxic melted plastic popcorn decorations depicting ghosts, witches, and
cats. They’re retro too. Expensive animatronic serial killers and giant
inflatable Adam Sandler vampires from Hotel
Transylvania are not.
2. Send mail using
actual paper and actual mail boxes.

Emails and instagrams did not exist in retro times. We went
to the dime store, where everything actually cost a dime, bought a box of cards
made of non-electronic paper, used devices called “pens” to write things like “Have a spooooktacular Halloween” inside them, walked to an actual
mailbox, and mailed them to our actual aunts and uncles. This is something you
will now do to help spread the retro-Halloween vibes like a little werewolf
missionary. Your cards will not feature the images of trademarked characters.
They will not reference Facebook. They will be vintage through and through,
sporting painted pictures of witches and jack-o-lanterns and harvest moons and
inform the recipient of sentiments like “When the owl and witch together are
seen, there’s mischief brewing on Halloween.” If you’re feeling saucy, you may
also send out black and white pin-ups of models dressed in fetching witch’s
hats and knee-baring witch’s gowns. These models should have all died of old
age many years ago.
3. Watch TV for children.
Over the course of October, TV networks used to air a
succession of seasonal cartoon programs intended for children. Perhaps they
still do that. I don’t know. My TV no longer has rabbit ears or a cable box.
I’m a retro-hypocrite who only uses Blu-rays and a Roku. Sue me. The
good thing about this aspect of modern times is that you can ensure that Halloween
still becomes Grinch night and Linus Van Pelt still waits for the Great Pumpkin
on your TV every year even if CBS doesn’t. You may have some initial reluctance or even
embarrassment about spending your adult time watching TV programs intended for
children. You’ll have to power through that. It will be worth it when those
child-like feelings return, plunging you into the Halloween spirit completely.
Having children of your own and watching these programs with them will also
help you get over any reluctance or embarrassment. If you do not have children
of your own, you will not be able to use them in time for this Halloween, but
there’s plenty of time to make some for next Halloween. Get cracking.
4. Watch movies for
90-year-old adults.
There aren’t enough quality retro Halloween cartoons to fill
all 31 nights of October. Don’t worry. You can supplement with creepy movies
intended for creepy adults. Hold on. Don’t pop that Freddy Krueger tape into
the VCR just yet, Chainsaw. That’s not what I mean by a movie intended for
adults. I’m talking about movies most kids today would find crushingly boring
or even laughable but scared the knickers off of people who were kids eighty
years ago. These movies are in black and white.
They star Bela Lugosi, Boris, Karloff, Elsa Lanchester, and Lon Chaney, Jr. They
are purer distillations of the Halloween spirit than any John Carpenter movie,
even that one called Halloween. As
the Universal Company likes to remind us every year, these movies are Halloween. I don’t usually agree
with giant corporations, but I’ll make an exception in this case.
5. Visit a haunted
Every neighborhood worth its salt has a haunted house come
October. If yours does not, move to a new one. Be sure to choose a neighborhood
with a haunted house that requires you to crawl through old refrigerator boxes
splattered with red paint and hung with cotton cobwebs while nine-year olds reach
through holes in them to grab at you. Cassettes of creaking doors, cackling,
and baying wolves must blare from the eight-track player in the garage. There
must not be anything actually scary, like an adult swinging a kitchen knife in
your face or Evangelicals using horror tropes to illustrate why abortion is
“evil,” but you must convince yourself that all of this hooey is scary
nonetheless. It will help you further adopt the childlike attitude necessary
for complete retro-Halloween immersion and prepare you for the following steps
on this list.
6. Choose a costume…
a Ben Cooper costume.
Okay, so now you’ve spent the better part of a month getting
wrapped up in that old Halloween spirit. The big day is now approaching. That
means it’s time to select a costume, because a big part of the holiday is
making a total ass out of yourself by dressing in outfits that would most
definitely get you thrown out of church on any other day. Your costume must be
chosen with great care and great respect for this unique time of year.
Remember, Halloween is a holiday of ghouls and ghosts. Dressing up as a
baseball player or a doctor who is not mad is not just inappropriate…it is
sacrilegious. The word “sexy” should not be part of your costume’s title even
if it is “sexy witch” or “sexy Frankenstein.” Costumes should not make you
attractive. They should make you look stupid. You cannot go wrong with one of
those old Ben Cooper costumes made of cheap vinyl that comes with a plastic
mask that never fails to impair your vision and collect condensation from your
mouth until it ends up smelling like a used pair of Hanes briefs. Recommended varieties
include Caspar the Friendly Ghost, the Green Goblin, Phantom of the Opera, Jaws,
unsexy witch, and unsexy Frankenstein. Don’t worry: Ben Cooper makes costumes
in adult sizes.
7. Go
Trick-or-Treating… and I mean you.
So you’ve squeezed into those vinyl coveralls and snapped on
that plastic mask. Now what? You know what. You’re going to march your ass out
onto the street, go door-to-door, and demand candy be placed in your burlap
sack or plastic jack-o-lantern-shaped bucket. I don’t give a shit how old you
are. This year, you’re a trick-or-treater. I never said that achieving the
perfect retro-Halloween experience would be easy.
8. Bob for apples and
fondle spaghetti.
When your neighbors stop answering their doors (which,
depending on your age, may happen sooner than you think), the festivities have
not ended. You have now earned yourself a little costume party. And before you
begin wringing your hands, fantasizing about all of the
double-strength zombies you’re going to drink and all of the sexy witches and
sexy Frankensteins you’re going to make out with, think again. That stuff is
not very retro. No, you are going to be bobbing for apples and playing that
game where everyone shuts their eyes and pretends that bowls of cold spaghetti
and grapes are the hair and eyeballs of unsexy witches. Afterward, you may do a
spooky version of the hokey pokey if you want, but this cannot devolve into a
sex orgy. Roman times are too retro for our purposes.
9. Use the Schwartz.
After the party has reached its frenzied climax of apple
biting and grape touching, it is time to alter the mood, because there is one
essential Halloween element we have neglected thus far. Halloween is scary. The
best way to make your Halloween scary…and I mean really to dim the lights and pull that dusty volume of Alvin
Schwartz’s Scary Stories to Tell in the
Dark off the shelf. All of your guests will sit in rapt terror as you beg
to know “Where is my to-o-o-o-o-e?” or sing “The worms crawl in, the worms
crawl out” in your spookiest voice. They will really release their bowels when
you show them Stephen Gammell’s traumatizing illustrations, so be sure to lay
down plenty of tarps first.
10. Eat all of your
Well, you have done an excellent job, my little Halloweener.
You have followed every tip on this list and recreated the perfect
retro-Halloween. If all has gone right, you should now feel about eight-years
old. So do what all quality eight-year olds do on Halloween night. Eat all of
your candy. All of it. All of the
Charleston Chews and Zagnuts and candy cigarettes and Fun-Size Special Darks
and Blow Pops and Almond Joys and Starbursts and Jujubes and Smarties and
little plastic-wrapped satchels of candy corn. Then vomit to your heart’s
content. You’ve earned it.
Happy Halloween.