Episode: “Halloween
Candy”, in which a man, tired of washing eggs off windows every October 31,
forces his Halloween Scrooge dad to hand out candy to Trick or Treaters. The
old man not only refuses but he dumps a goop of Elmer’s glue and mayonnaise
into a kid’s treat bag. What a dick. Well, he pays for his dickishness when he gets
a visit from a very real goblin. Makeup whiz Tom Savini directed this episode
with exceptionally high standards for the syndicated horror anthology. The
monster looks great, the editing and angles are creative, and for those who get
bugged out by crawly things, there are some of those, too. Still, the scariest
thing in this episode is the scariest thing in every episode of Tales from the
Darkside: those creepy, creepy opening and closing credits.