During the fifties, Jay Disbrow was a versatile writer and
illustrator who dabbled in a variety of comic genres, but I’ll give you one
guess which genre is the focus of Craig Yoe’s latest anthology, Jay Disbrow’s Monster Invasion. Despite
some trepidation over the “gross” leanings of top-dog E.C.’s comics, Disbrow threw
himself into fashioning horror tales for comics such as Ghostly Weird Stories, Forbidden
Worlds, and Spook. His stories
tend to be somewhat routine, but his artwork, which revels in giant, hairy
monsters and some of the most deliberately ugly faces you’ll ever see outside
of a nightmare, is distinctive indeed.
Disbrow’s most imaginative total-originals are “The
Homecoming”, in which a Navy Admiral discovers his true nature in truly
surprising fashion, and “Ultimate Destiny”, which puts a deliciously gloppy new
spin on the old “I wish to live forever” plot. Disbrow kind of makes up for his
more so-so plots with dense language that can get a tad purple but never talks
down to the comics crowd. He also deserves major points for coining what may be
the finest monster expletive ever coined. More than once, a terrifying Disbrow creation
breaks the tension by exclaiming, “Graw!”
Other storytellers are behind the most compellingly far-out
plots. His publisher, L.B. Cole, contributed the synopsis for “The Beast from
Below”, in which a miner who fails to incite a labor strike turns into a giant
murder monkey. Disbrow confesses that “The Insider”, in which a monster emerges
from a book, is “a shameful swipe from H.P. Lovecraft’s ‘The Outsider’”… a
story Disbrow apparently loved so much that he adapted it again as “Dwellers in
Darkness”. Graw!