Well, after months and months and months of work, I've just completed chapter one of The Who FAQ. Not too impressive, eh? I'm a real procrastinator, you say? Well, smarty, chapter one will be the first chapter in the book (as chapter ones tend to be), but it's the last one I wrote. I now have a complete rough draft of The Who FAQ.
The work, of course, ain't over, and there is still much trimming, expanding, and shredding to be done before my book is fit for human consumption, but the heavy-writing phase is over, which means that if I can muster the strength, I will soon resume regular posts about non-Who FAQ matters here on Psychobabble. But not right now. Right now I have to go and pass out for a few days.
Long Live Rock!
Last weekend was the second "Twin Peaks" panel discussion at USC, and once again, it has made it to You Tube and Psychobabble. So here's Mädchen
Amick, Dana Ashbrook, Jill Rogosheske Engels, Russ Tamblyn , Charlotte Stewart, Gary Hershberger, and Robert
Engels fielding a new round of questions:

Dave Lewis has written a half-dozen books about Led Zeppelin
and has been curating the Zep ‘zine Tight
but Loose since 1978. So who am I to refute the “UK’s foremost expert on
Led Zeppelin” claim on the cover of his latest book? Well, I don’t doubt that
Dave knows his stuff, but after reading the mere four or five books I’ve read
about his favorite band, I already knew most of what he had to say in Led Zeppelin from a Whisper to a Scream.
I would have loved to see Lewis put his expertise to work a bit more while
discussing Led Zeppelin’s discography song by song—more insight, more analysis,
more trivia! Instead, we get a skinny volume of less than 150 pages with
two timelines that don’t just repeat each other’s information; they repeat
information found elsewhere in the book. Lewis should have gone all out with a Revolution in the Head-style study. Led
Zeppelin certainly warrants one. As a primer for the Zeppelin newcomer, From a Whisper to a Scream gets the job
done. It’s well written and fairly well reasoned (though Lewis evaluates the
band’s work with a super fan’s forgiveness), and it covers all the bases
from Zeppelin’s official LPs to their reissues and bootlegs, taking us right up to date with the recent 02 Arena concert. Nevertheless, this
book is an hors d’oeuvre when I’m pretty sure the hardcore Zep freak is going
to want a decadent ten-course banquet.
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